Good evening or good morning to you depending on where you are in the world! Thanks to all those lovely people who left us a comment for the last challenge!This week the topic I have chosen is rest. Now I am not just talking about the physical act of rest (although that is something I do enjoy LOL!). Jesus talks about rest in Matthew 11:28"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." Now in those days, young men were given the chance to take on the yoke of a Rabbi. This meant that if they proved themselves worthy, they could study from this Rabbi and almost mirror his life. They had to do this 'til they were 30yrs old. At this time, they could start their own ministry. This was a really huge, all consuming task which was a heavy burden to carry.What Jesus is saying is that we can take on his yoke and will not burden us. He promises to give us rest from all our seeking and srtiving to be acceptable. That's the bit I think is cool. So often I find myself striving so hard and have not even asked God to walk with me through it. When I consciously walk through things with God, it is then that experience the REST he is talking about. It is a rest or peace in my heart, even amidst chaos. My prayer is that you too may experience this rest. Please join with us this week in creating something to share. Don't forget to leave us a comment so we can share it with you. Blessings, Casey
For this challenge, I have used the new Scripture by Design "Beloved" digi kit. It's available from Heaven-Sent.
Hello lovely lady!! My friend Sue (the one with 4 boys) put me on to you!!! I just thought that i would say hi and let you know that you are on my blog roll now!! i hope that you get lots of hits from my site and that it helps to spread the "good news" further!!
Much love and many blessing
Kathie from Seymour Victoria
Thank you so much for this challenge, Casey - it was exactly what I needed at this time - and I love the LO you've done xxx
I love teh serene and reastful colours you have used, a great subject that seems so applicable to so many people! Praise God!
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